Alvaldi is a troubleshooting tool, enabling users to securely connect to remote devices and quickly resolve issues. It offers useful features when diagnosing and fixing device issues, such as a remote terminal, file transfer, and device inventory information. When compared to other troubleshooting and remote access solutions, it has some important benefits related to ease of use, maintenance and security;

  • Entirely in browser - users do not have to install local clients on their machines.
  • Easy to set up - this tutorial series will help you set it up in a few minutes.
  • Integrated with Azure - Azure IoT Hub devices are automatically authorized in Alvaldi, and the client is installed on devices as a Azure IoT Edge module.
  • Audit logs - All user actions are logged, to see who did what, and when.
  • Encrypted - All communication is encrypted during transit (TLS / HTTPS), and all data in our database is encrypted at rest (storage level encryption).
  • RBAC - One organization can have multiple users with different roles and access.
  • No open ports - Unlike SSH, there is no server on the device listening for incoming connections.

More information

For more information about how Alvaldi works, see these helpful resources:

Up next

The next part of the getting started series is:

Signing up and installing Alvaldi.