Once you have Alvaldi set up and installed on your devices, you can start using it.

Open up the web application at app.alvaldi.com and log in if you haven’t already.

Finding your device

From the device list you can look for a device you’d like to access:

Screenshot of the Alvaldi GUI, showing a list of all devices

(The search bar at the top of the screen can also help you find the device you’re looking for).

Clicking on View details on one of the devices takes you to that device’s page:

Screenshot of the device info page of Alvaldi's GUI, with a terminal which is not yet connected

Using the terminal and device inventory

On the right hand side, you have Inventory and Identity information about the device. The terminal and the file transfer sections on the left side will help you access the device and troubleshoot issues. As an example, we can click Connect Terminal to connect the terminal and run the echo command to see that everything works as expected:

Screenshot of the terminal in Alvaldi's GUI, with a hello world command as an example

Up next

The next part of the getting started series is:

Transferring files.